The full story of Highway House including all the challenges and what happened to the first two men that were helped, has been carefully documented in 'The Test Room' written by Rev. Alex Gyasi. Includes additional stories from some of the homeless men who have been helped by Highway House. Proceeds from the sale of this book go towards the work of Highway House.
Story of Samuel Adjei
"I was a Police Officer in Ghana and came to the UK in 2003 to work as a road cleaner. A hit and run while I was on my bicycle left me on crutches and I could no longer work. Suddenly my life when downhill'
It was so distressing and even now, thinking about how I slept on buses for all those years is still upsetting. I was cycling and got hit by a bus. The driver didn't know it, but he drove over my leg and just kept going. I ended up on crutches and I couldn't work cleaning streets anymore. So, I couldn't pay the rent and just ended up on the streets. I spent 4 years sleeping on buses, moving with a badly injured leg, on crutches. It was very distressing I just wanted to drink all day and at times to end it all. One day when I was sitting resting my leg a young man walked by and stopped to ask me if I was needed help. I told him everything that had happened to me over the past four years and he invited me to Highway House where I was welcomed. I got help to see a Dr and Highway House allowed me to use their address so I could see a consultant and get the appointment letter for my operation and so I could show I had somewhere to recuperate afterwards. Unusually, hospital staff visited Highway House for a thorough inspection of the building. The nurses concluded that adaptations were necessary, included providing a special bed for me. They made two visits to make sure that the standard of care would be right before they even approved the operation going ahead. Since the operation and the opportunity to fully recover, I have been able to play some football. I'm going to capitalise on my police experience and join the security services here once my legs are completely healed. I am so thankful to Highway House and Rev. Alex for the help you have given me to no longer be penniless or homeless and to have taken me out of living in such unhygienic conditions and away from those suicidal feelings.
Raphael didn't know it, but when he brought those 20 friends to Highway House, he helped start a homeless shelter that has gone on to help over 600 people.

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